Sunday, October 13, 2013

Transportation and Vending Machines

I get around Mito by bicycle, train, and walking.  The only buses I have taken are school buses.  The exercise has been really good for me.  :)  Oh and friends also give me a lift in a car, I always appreciate it.  

I spend a lot more time outside and my tan is great even though I wear sunscreen.  Speaking of tans, many Japanese don't like to get tan.  Some wear gloves in the summer to avoid sun exposure.   Hats and parasols are also very common.   

I notice the weather changes more than I used to because well I'm outside.   The summer was rough because it was so hot and after walking outside in 90 degree plus weather I was gross.   The fall is here now and I'm loving it.   Although I'm think I'll need to prepare myself for riding my bike during the winter.  A couple times already I've been out at night and its been chilly.   Time to invest in some scarfs and hats. :). 

One thing you will notice about Japan is that there are vending machine everywhere, or at least it seems like it.  Why?  Because most people walk, bike, or use public transportation.  In the summer a vending machine is a life saver.  Have to keep cool and hydrated.   And in during the cool weather a warm drink is wonderful.  The vending machines have a variety of drinks such as soda, regular/flavored water, teas, hot cocoa,  coffee, ice cream and even cigarettes.  

I really like my Apple Tea right now.  

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