Sunday, October 6, 2013

Pictures of Mito

Hope you enjoy the sights!

This little park is in my neighborhood.  The swings are a great place to relax. 

I was feeling homesick one day when I came across this house.  It's huge!  - by Japanese standards.  Made me think of America.  :)

A view looking out north from Mito Station

Looking at Mito Station from the South Side at night.  Can you see the hearts on the building?

Scrunchies are in style in Japan  

My wheels

View out my apartment window.  I love the evenings here.  

My cupcake mug and American animal crackers.  Oh happy day.

All dressed up for my first teacher party. 

I got rained on

Statues are everywhere.  They are pretty cool. 

These roses were so big!  

One of the many times I've missed the train.  Its getting ready to leave I'm on the wrong side.

The night I got home after a day of teaching and stopping at the grocery store on the way home.  My key wouldn't work.  Chocolate Chip cookies to the rescue. 

Dessert from the place down the street.  So pretty. 

View from Akatsuka Station.  You can see the mountains in the distance. 

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